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CheckBootSpeed - это диагностический пакет на основе скриптов PowerShell, создающий отчет о скорости загрузки Windows 7 ...
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Office 365 security, privacy, and compliance

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Security, Privacy and Compliance are top of mind for customers considering the cloud or moving to the cloud. - Do you want to learn about how you can keep your data safe in Office 365? - Do you want to understand the fundamentals that guide Office 365 to ensure customers data is kept secure, private and compliant with industry standards and regulations? - Do you want to know what controls you have as a customer to tune up or tune down security within your environment in Office 365? In this session you will learn about the service level aspects of security, privacy and compliance in Office 365 and customer controls that we provide to enable customers to tailor your environment in Office 365. Compliance with industry standards and regulations are key for customers large and small to move to the cloud. Compliance is especially critical for customers in verticals like financial services, healthcare, government etc.

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Автор: Роман Даскал  •  Иcточник: TechDays.ru  •  Опубликована: 27.02.2015
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